Daily meals for the students of the Opera Village School
The school at Opera Village Africa in Burkina Faso provides children in the rural region of Ziniaré with solid learning conditions and a cultural education. But it is not education alone that motivates families to send their children to school with us: Access to a daily hot meal and clean drinking water are also crucial reasons. That is why the school canteen is particularly close to our hearts!
Since 2011, the opera village has had a canteen with two dining rooms where students and opera village staff receive freshly prepared meals on school days. About 300 meals are prepared daily. Due to large crop failures last year and difficult conditions of the local food trade, the supply of the school children was made difficult. Your support can improve malnutrition and the children’s overall health by providing regular school meals and access to clean drinking water. By providing large portions, we ensure that all school children are fed and can even take home a portion of their meal for another child in the family. This allows the children to have what we all need: Community, lots of energy, and the assurance of not going hungry throughout the day!
Click here to go directly to our campaign! Every donation of 10 Euro or more will be supported by Paxbank by 5 Euro!