The Foundation

The Foundation Operndorf Afrika

Founded in December 2012

In December 2012, it was possible to establish the non-profit Foundation Operndorf Afrika, thanks to the generous support of Friedrich Christian Flick. F.C. Flick equipped the project with an initial investment of 250,000 Euro, a further 90,000 Euro were donated by the Festspielhaus Afrika gemeinnützige GmbH. Over the long term and with an increase of the foundation capital, it is envisaged that the Foundation Operndorf Afrika will entirely take over the operating costs of the school and the administration in Burkina Faso. Support the Foundation Operndorf Afrika:

Account owner Stiftung Operndorf Afrika
Account number 6002 1340 10
Bank code 370 601 93
Credit institution Pax Bank
IBAN DE38 3706 0193 6002 1340 10