Event: Operndorf Afrika at Theater der Welt, Hamburg 09.06.2017

Christoph Schlingensief OPERNDORF AFRIKA: “UP TO NOW” with Aino Laberenz and Alex Moussa Sawadogo
The „Operndorf Afrika“ is an international art project that was founded in Burkina Faso in 2009 and was based on an idea from the German artist Christoph Schlingensief. The „Operndorf Afrika“ was tied to Christoph Schlingensief’s wish to create a place for international meetings and exchange. People with different backgrounds can work artistically and communicate here. The simultaneous founding of a new village, school and hospital makes Christoph Schlingensief’s vision of a social sculpture all the more real. Aino Laberenz, the general director of the project, and the artistic director Alex Moussa Sawadogo report on the development of this unique project and search for links between Europe and Africa.
Moderation: Matthias Günther (Thalia Theater Hamburg)
09.06. / 19:00 / Baakenhöft, MS Stubnitz
Admission: 5 Euro